Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Coming Attractions (2014)

Word on the street confirms that the new documentary in the works about legendary English haberdasher and style-setter John Simons will be out in the Spring. Here's the trailer:
If you simply cannot wait, pop over to the shop (virtually). Not only is their Winter sale still on, but there are a lot of new items available, including some very nice chinos cut in Brooklyn by Hertling for John & Co. as profiled by Fitzgerald's Closet last week.

Print ad, Bass Weejuns, 1951

Why John? Did you watch the trailer? Still not convinced? Well. The world has not always been as small as it is. There was a time, not very long ago, when the look was still a secret society of sorts - but one in which a pair of Bass Weejuns performed the function of a signet ring. John's string of shops were not only the source of so much of the good stuff but they were also a meeting place for the likeminded. Plus they served as an inspiration for Statesiders like yours truly to dig deeper into what is now termed heritage clothing. I still remember the first time I walked into his shop in Covent Garden. I experienced an epiphany of sorts and I very much credit John Simons bringing a lot of what I was thinking around classic, American style into focus.

Keep your eye on Garmsville for updates about the documentary.