Thursday, October 2, 2008

Arts & Architecture (1938-1967)

My buddy Dan (or Grumpy Dan as the wife affectionately calls him) just hipped me to QUITE an online resource for all of us fans of Arts & Architecture magazine. For a good solid chunk of the 20th Century, this journal was a West Coast clearinghouse for all things modern spotlighting nearly all of the greats and just as many who now languish in obscurity. Thanks to Taschen (who really do want you to buy their product - and you should, if you can afford it), there is a wealth of info on this site including excerpted issues in PDF format and art/poster-sized reproductions of some of the amazing covers. It really is worth a few hours of your time. Here is a sample of one of the covers, this one designed by Ray Eames in 1943 or thereabouts.

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